Digital Gold — Something you can hold and earn

Genius watching
7 min readDec 4, 2020


The main reason why people are attracted to gold is the independence of this precious metal and its unique relationship with currencies, especially with the US dollar. As a senior official from the World Gold Council said, “This is not one characteristic. It is a combination of these factors, all of which, together, provide uniqueness. Gold should be viewed as a separate and distinct asset class that is the source of a well-diversified investment portfolio. To get the opportunity to get even the broadest range of products that can get the opportunity to get true diversification, gold.

Gold prices have always served as a placeholder for legal tender to be provided to the issuer.

Basically, this is exactly the reason why currencies have any value. Other gold used is used in distributable assets used in various industries such as medical or jewelry. The properties of this element make it ideal for use in engineering and electronics.

By placing your assets in gold, you are making a unique investment. Essentially a commodity, it behaves completely differently than any other commodity in terms of volatility, correlation and profitability, as well as the supply and demand model. For this reason, gold is increasingly popular with different agents.

People invest in the precious yellow metal when they begin to feel insecure about the stability of the economy, or when they want to preserve the material source of their prosperous financial future, for a savings account, or just to save some gold for a rainy day. At the same time, many of the agents do not even realize that by buying gold, they actually show the value of their accounts, which for the most part use a currency base, on a different storage plane, less sensitive to market fluctuations, more resistant to economic shocks and inflation

Need money

There is hardly a person among us who, at least once in his life, has not found himself in a difficult life situation, when a certain amount of money is urgently needed. It can be a joyful occasion — a wedding or the birth of a child, a dream holiday. But most often such situations happen with the arrival of trouble — money is urgently needed to pay for the operation or in connection with tragic events in the family. And then people think least of all about the benefits and risks — they run wherever they think up, first of all. It is in this state of prey for swindlers and scammers. It is important to know and remember — there are always several ways out of any situation and they can be used depending on the specific circumstances.


Bitcoin is a promising candidate for “partner” of gold in the role of an alternative world currency at the time of turning on the printing presses. In 2018–2019, an important shift took place in the adaptation of investors from classical financial markets to this digital currency. If earlier the “cue ball” was considered a purely speculative tool, fun for “geeks” and “enticement” for simpletons, now they are already talking about it as a promising alternative to fiat.

What has changed in recent years?

First, the availability of bitcoin derivatives has increased. Futures were launched on a number of classic exchanges (such as CME and Cboe), and leading investment companies like Black Rock continued to develop infrastructure for storing digital assets.
Secondly, bitcoin really began to be perceived as a kind of alternative to traditional currencies. Confidence in fiat money is falling due to currency wars and depreciation policies. In this context, the limited issue of the number one cryptocurrency is an important advantage.
Thirdly, Bitcoin is indeed very similar to gold in its characteristics. Its resources are limited. It does not have a single center of “production”, it does not have a central bank that will print yet.
During the liquidity hard times in the first two decades of March 2020, the cryptocurrency rate, similar to bonds and gold, collapsed. However, at the end of March, a fairly intensive recovery began. At the very least, this asset is worth watching closely.

But we must also remember that it has important drawbacks, which so far do not allow us to gain major “bullish” positions.

So, until now, the volume of the bitcoin market is estimated at $ 100–200 billion, which is extremely small for the status of a global asset. Without further development of derivatives and financial infrastructure, sustainable growth will be difficult.

When investing in bitcoin, it is difficult to comply with the risk parameters due to the very high volatility. It is itself a very high-risk asset. Investment instruments will not fall in price by 2 times in a couple of days, but this has happened more than once with Bitcoin. The March collapse is another confirmation of this.

It is still a big problem that the bulk of the cryptocurrency is traded on unregulated cryptocurrency exchanges, which, moreover, have serious security problems.

Thus, it is too early to say that bitcoin can be bought for more than the amount that the investor is willing to risk. Moreover, it is unacceptable to use Bitcoin as a hedging instrument.

As we can see, the specifics of the current hard times indicate that not all defensive assets are equally suitable for hedging risks. Perhaps, gold looks the most attractive in terms of growth potential / risk level and liquidity ratio. Although bitcoin also has growth potential due to the increasing monetary expansion of central banks, a number of unresolved infrastructure problems so far leave it only among the candidates for “partners” for the yellow metal.

Digital got can!

Each ERC20 gold token is equivalent to 1 gram of 99.99% pure gold. The amount of gold stored as a gold token can be easily checked at any time. By implementing the cryptocurrency system, you can quickly purchase a Gold token through the official Digital Gold website.
You will not be charged any additional transaction fees. You can make as many cryptocurrency transactions as possible according to the amount of Gold token you have. You can even use it to conduct business.

Storing gold in the form of gold chips is actually more profitable than storing it in warehouses or banks. This is not only a matter of convenience when making a deal, but also a problem with documents. Using gold tokens will make you more profitable and practical.

Volatility protection

Regarding the paragraph above, the GOLD token is a reliable digital asset with low volatility. GOLD is backed by physical gold and its price is pegged to the market price of gold. In addition, it is a fantastic asset for portfolio diversification due to its transparency, whereby anyone can match the amount of GOLD tokens issued to the amount of physical gold in vault held through the Digital Gold business venture. The GOLD token is a real safe haven for cryptocurrency investors in times of market volatility.

Owning Gold

Owning the GOLD token is very important! The GOLD token can be easily purchased using Bitcoin and Ethereum, the DIGITAL GOLD platform is completely unique with its own marketplace that is equipped with the necessary gadgets to make purchasing physical devices easy.

Again, the DIGITAL Gold team provides liquidity for the GOLD token by allowing the GOLD token to be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing each client to shop or trade on most exchanges.

Since GOLD simply includes a fraction of the purchased gold, the certified gold supporting the GOLD token is physically transferred to the association’s vault, from now on, no matter where the GOLD tokens are obtained, an equivalent fraction of the gold will be stored in the vault. The standard audit of the GOLD and gold stake in the association’s vault is carried out by the trusted BullionStar, an assistant in this endeavor. DIGITAL GOLD is a liquidity provider, so institutional budget experts and colossal capital theorists can make giant purchases of GOLD without the fear of running out of gold reserves.


There is a lot going on with gold these days, one of which is that with blockchain integration, gold is currently on the verge of being used as a payment method due to its stability. With the GOLD token, this element is now poised to become more than a standard wealth storage structure and tool for tasks. This is very intriguing.

Useful links

➤ Digital Gold —
➤ Whitepaper —
➤ ANN —
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➤ BTT username — GZanotti

➤ BTT link —;u=1970044

➤ MEW — 0xfAAD3A389aa6EB415d63990de6a2A464dba957aA



Genius watching

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