Artem Finance — The First Digital Ecosystem Asset and Lending Market

Genius watching
4 min readDec 8, 2020

Instead of storing people earn passive income

Instead of storing cryptocurrency in a wallet, you can loan it and get passive income and vice versa: if you need fiat, them can be obtained on the security of your cryptocurrency. There are many such loans, but today I will about one of them.

What do you do with fiat money that you temporarily don’t need? Store in packs under the mattress? Hardly. We are used to making fiat money work — for example, putting it on a deposit. Banks use these funds to issue loans and shares the profit with you in the form of interest.

What about cryptocurrency?

After all, many go crypt in expectation that the rate will rise “to the moon”. But the digital currency in a blockchain wallet is the same as a wad of cash in a safe. They are safe, but they do not work or generate income.

Crypto loans are a logical solution. Instead of going crypto, you can issue loans secured by another asset and receive up to 10% per year. From the point of view of the borrower, this is also very convenient: there is no need to collect dozens of documents and wait for the results of a bank check.

Looks very attractive, doesn’t it? But in reality, not everything is so simple.

Who needs loans in cryptocurrency?

Crypto loans are useful primarily for traders. Without selling their own instruments, they can get additional funds for margin trading, short play, and arbitrage.

The second segment of the audience is small businesses, especially blockchain startups. Often they prefer to make collateral in cryptocurrency and take out loans in dollars, which is possible at the selective level (see below). Corporate clients are attracted to such crypts, first of all, by their simplicity.

Artem Finance

Artem Finance is an аutоnоmоuѕ borrow & lend platform based on an antivirus product, created to solve this problem on Ethеreum blockchain. This is a proto-table that will allow many other definitive approaches to be abandoned. In general, this is a means and a way of working with a proto-interpretation, which, in turn, will change part of the action, including for this, in terms of this means.

Unlіke ѕіmіlar platformѕ, Artem іѕ a dentralіzed And DEX platform buіlt on- and desentralіzed platform that allowѕ uѕerѕ to earn. Thіѕ іѕ na іnveѕtіng platform that wіll be governance term and democratic voting.

This is a plan that will help the community to see and improve the benefits of the main price. Land, Borrow and Ern.

Artem’s Features

  1. Safe & Security: No. You need to worry about your assets on the Artem platform because Artem will do it and be smart and secure, which is fully tested and ensures that the user takes advantage of your most advanced and reliable service.
  2. Liquidity: Artem collects spot and provides liquidity for many products.
  3. Loyalty: Artem has every right to use his funds.
  4. No registration, no KYC: the most interesting feature of ARTEM, as well as the use of this information without the need for registration or KYC.
  5. Vibble: The best answer to a challenge that allows you to receive / transmit, collect, lend, borrow, get interest safely and comfortable.

Should you try it?

The crypto lending industry is growing at a tremendous speed and there are already over a dozen services on the market. However, keep in mind that income varies greatly for different cryptocurrencies. Stablecoins have the highest rates.

Artem layout represents the initial design of novelties and legal agreements for making or completing a purchase without using a profile.

The rates on deposits in cryptocurrency are higher than in banks, and the risks are lower than on conventional P2P lending platforms. Therefore, if you are interested in innovative ways of passive income, then you should definitely look at loans in cryptocurrency.

For More Details Visit Here:


➤ BTT username — GZanotti
➤ BTT link —;u=1970044
➤ MEW — 0xfAAD3A389aa6EB415d63990de6a2A464dba957aA
➤ Сотрудничество (contact me) — @boumtty



Genius watching

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